Dave & Kate & Connor & Chumpy

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

On the Pogey

Well yesterday I got all the papers I need to apply for pogey. Connor and I are on our way to Barrie later this afternoon to see if we can get some free money. I finished my contract at Honda last week and now I have to wait and see if I get a phone call for full time. I hope I get that call soon. But for the meantime I'll be staying at home and hanging out with Connor. We got to go to the park yesterday for the first time this year as it was so nice out and park wasn't too muddy.

I'm keeping my eyes open for work though. I'm watching the HRDC website and watching the papers for something that may come up. So far I havn't gone stir crazy from being around the house all the time which I thought would happen last week.

So I would like to thank all you tax payers for paying my salary for the next little while.


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