Dave & Kate & Connor & Chumpy

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Physical assesment

Hey all,

Well I wnet for my physical testing today at Honda and it went pretty well. I think I did good at it and I think I did well at the hand/eye coordination test thanks to all the video gaming I've done over the years. So now it's just the waiting game to see if they want me.

I think it's looking good as the physical test was supposed to take about 90 minutes to complete and I did it in 70 minutes. The only problem that I can forsee is they straped a heart rate monitor to my chest and after a particular grueling exercise I had to wait a minute for my heart rate to go down. We'll see though.

So now they have to check my references and score me on my interview which I believe I did very well in. Then I'll get the call for yea or nay...

I'll keep you posted


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