Dave & Kate & Connor & Chumpy

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Dead fish

Well the fish died today. About a week ago I noticed what looked like a red spot about half way down his body. He seemed to be doing fine though so I wan't worried about it. Then throughout the week it got really bad. The red spot kept getting bigger and then everything around this spot started falling off. Actually it was quite nasty.

This afternoon I looked in on him and I noticed that he was kinda swimming kinda backwards and upside down on the top of the tank. So I got out the old little net to send him to the great fishtank at the bottom of my toilet and he started to swim a little. He was swimming all weird and he didn't look good so I caught him in the net. He wasn't moving so I figured he was dead and I dumped him in the toilet. He then started swimming around in the toilet. FLUSH! Oh well.

He was a good fish though. We got him in the summer around June and lasted through the move to Alliston and all that. Kate got him for $0.19 so I think we got our money's worth outta him.

Well gotta go make pizza for dinner. Pepperoni, double cheese, and anchovies...


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