Dave & Kate & Connor & Chumpy

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Hurray for Free Stuff!

Posted by Kate

When we moved to Alliston we had the Welcome Wagon come and one of the free gifts was a session with the local Mary Kay consultant, Sharon. She called me before Christmas and asked if she could come and do some demonstrations. I could also invite some friends. I asked Jillian to come, and then Joanna just happened to stop by my house on that day so she stayed. The first time we did hand and face treatments, and she put some really simple makeup on us. That was great, because we are all so pale in the winter and the bronzing powder actually made us look tanned and healthy! Then she came again last night and did some fancier makeup stuff. (Pictures follow). It was fun, but way too much work. I will never wear that much makeup! It didn't look bad, I just can't be bothered to put on more than blush and maybe mascara. All that stuff about foundation, concealer, powder, cream...blah. Mary Kay products are pickin expensive (especially when you're on maternity leave) but since I was the host I can buy $75 of stuff for $25, so maybe I will choose some hand cream or something. Sharon was great, though. She didn't make us feel pressured to buy anything at all. Her goal was that we would have a good time and learn something. And Connor loved her too. He must have been so tired from smiling at her that he fell asleep at 6:30!


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