Dave & Kate & Connor & Chumpy

Thursday, July 08, 2004


Well I've just realied how much I miss my unborn child today. Kate has been away all week doing some upgrading of her schooling at Redeemer College in Hamilton. I've gotten quite used to feeling the baby kicking and whatnot. So I've been missing it all week so far. Kate's back tomorrow so I'll get to feel some more kicking again soon. It's really cool cuz I have figured out how to get the baby to kick to my voice and prodding.

Oh well, I've been busy trying to get into Honda so I've been a little preoccupied in my thought and I'll survive.

By the way, Honda gave my boss a call yesterday for a reference so it's looking pretty good. I just can't wait to get this process over with so I can start focussing on other things. I've been blabbing about it all week to everyone that will listen and I'm sure it's getting annoying.

So now I stop


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