Dave & Kate & Connor & Chumpy

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Another post about car seats

Posted by Kate

You know what bugs me? It's when I see babies who are, like, 8 monthes old who are still in the infant carseats (the kind you carry around that snap in and out of the car). The baby is obviously too big because his feet are hanging over the edge. Our infant seat was only for babies up to 26 inches long, and I think that is pretty standard. The parents are probably still using the infant seat because you can set it in a grocery cart if the baby can't sit up well yet, and if the baby falls asleep you can take the whole seat out of the car and you don't wake up the baby. But it's not safe! If you're in an accident a carseat won't protect a child as well if they are too big for it. Connor outgrew the infant seat at the end December and is in the big size that stays in the car. He really dislikes being strapped in, and it means I have to wake him up to take him out when I get home. Also, if I'm travelling by myself I cannot stop to go to the bathroom unless I ask a Tim Hortons employee to hold Connor for me, as he cannot sit by himself on the floor (and who wants to sit on a public bathroom floor anyway?) Using a big carseat is pretty inconvenient right now, but I do it because I'm supposed to. It makes me mad that I'm doing the right, safe thing and causing me and my baby lots of strife, while other people merrily ignore the safety regulations and have an easier time.


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