Dave & Kate & Connor & Chumpy

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Snemony Licket

Posted by Kate

"Sunny had four sharp teeth, and biting things with them was what interested her the most, and she was eager to see what there was available to bite in the area."

I read my first Lemony Snicket book last night (total reading time—one hour). The story line was rather chilling and gruesome, which is why kids like it, I guess. I don’t know if I will try any of the other ten. TEN! The part I did like, though, was reading about the baby, Sunny. She likes to bite things, which is a lot like Connor. In "The Miserable Mill" Sunny used her teeth to debark logs and fight a woman with a sword. She didn’t get to chew gum, though. Connor doesn’t have any teeth yet, but sometimes he gets in a mood where he will voraciously chomp at anything available—a toy, a sweater, Dave’s chin…I also like the way Sunny would shriek out nonsense words which would then be translated into English: Snevi! Nojeemo! Molub!
Well, maybe I will read another one. But only because I like to say "Lemony Snicket".


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