Dave & Kate & Connor & Chumpy

Monday, April 25, 2005

The Death Cold is coming to an END!!!

Well the last 2 weeks have been pretty rough on me. I've had the infamous Death Cold. It was really hard cuz I couldn't really take any time off work due to being on contract, so I had to just tuff it out. There were a few nights that I got home and I took my temperature and found out that I was sitting at around 102 degrees. I also spent a small fortune on various cold/flu products.

But I wake up this morning and I feel GREAT! I think it is finially gone. I still have the odd cough and have to blow my nose on occasion but I can handle that. At one point I killed an entire box of kleenex in about 2 days. I think I lost about 5 pounds throughout the time as well. I had no appetite and whenever I did eat anything it tasted like chalk. The last few days have been a lot better and I'm gaining back that weight and can taste food again.

I hope nobody else gets the death cold this year. It almost killed me this time.


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