Dave & Kate & Connor & Chumpy

Friday, March 11, 2005

Darn Blogger

Posted by Kate

Here are details of the past two days' blogging activity:

1. At 10:00 yesterday I wrote an entry. It disappeared.
2. At 10:30 I rewrote the entry as best as I could remember it. I tried to save it as a draft, so I wouldn't lose it. I lost it anyway. Grrrr. I gave up for the morning.
3. At 3:30 I rewrote the entry AGAIN on the word processor so I wouldn't lose it, and tried to post it. It didn't work as Blogger still seemed to be sick.
4. At 8:00 Dave posted my third try.
5. Today I looked on our blog and saw that my second try HAD worked, as had the third, so now there are two entries about the same thing. Blasted computer. Sorry everyone!


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