Dave & Kate & Connor & Chumpy

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Lee Norton is a big jerk.

I recently realized that I really don't like Lee Norton. He is really starting to make me angry. I think I saw him beating up little kids at the local playground. He's such a jerk. I can't blame him though cuz he's really dumb. He went to Big Al's for school. He rode on the short bus. One day I'll run into that Lee Norton fellow and get him back for all the stupid things that he used to do.

I remember one time he turned on all the gas in the science lab and they had to evacuate the whole school cuz they thought it was going to blow up. Stupid guy. If you're going to try to blow up the school, at least make sure it works. Dummy. That's why he rode on the short bus. He was dumb.


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