Dave & Kate & Connor & Chumpy

Monday, May 16, 2005

What's New With Us?

(for those of you who like bullets) Posted by Kate

  • Dave is fighting off the Death Cold again. It reappeared Saturday afternoon, so he stayed home and rested all day yesterday, hoping to ward it off. We'll see how he's feeling this morning. He was really mad that it was coming back, as was I--because he was a total grump last time!
  • Connor has also had a cough for almost a month. It was not very serious, but it has gotten worse in the last few days, so I think I will call the doctor.
  • Connor and I did some good garage saleing (saling?) on the weekend. The youth drop in centre in town was having a sale, and a woman a few doors down from that was selling a lot of baby clothes. I told her I was looking for bigger undershirts, so she gave me what she had out, then she went and took more right out of her son's drawer! I also bought a really cool spice rack and some magnets for Connor, because his new favourite game is pulling magnets off the freezer.
  • Connor is wiggling around the floor a lot and has even been moving forward. He doesn;t go up on his hands and knees, he just pulls himself along on his tummy.

  • Dave signed up for a baseball team at Honda and played two games last week. He starts afternoons today, so he won't play for the next two weeks, but I hope to go watch when the start again.
  • Dave and Connor bought me some snazzy stencils and a cutting tool for Mothers' Day and I also bought some fun paper at Michael's so I'm making lots of cards these days. Well, when Connor is sleeping and there is no cleaning to do!
  • Congratulations to my cousin Brie who got a job at Groundswell, a new coffee place in town. AND Happy 2nd anniversary Grant and Suzie!


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