Dave & Kate & Connor & Chumpy

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

The blogeth cometh

I have a few days still to go with CH and I never realized how much stuff I'd have to do to finish off work here. It's just insane the amount of work I still have to do before I leave. I still have a few days so it shouldn't be a problem in getting it all done. I completely trained my successor in financial coordinator duties yesterday. She'll do fine as she has a good head on her shoulders and picked everything up pretty quick.

I'm not gonna have a whole lot of time to yap about things after this week unfortunately. My access to the internet right now is limited to work. We don't have the net at home yet and I think I'll only be able to get on if I go to the library. Kate wants to get the net at home in September though when she can't move a whole lot and when the baby is born. I'll try to show her how to do these blogs so she can keep people up to date with what's going on though.


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